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Title: Nasty Galaxy
Description: Penguin UK. Hardback. Pp: 272. Nasty Galaxy is part scrapbook, part inspo-journey - and 100% #GIRLBOSS. Filled with illustrations, photos and short essays that embody the style and spirit of the NastyGal brand, it is both a vivid visual compendium of Sophia Amoruso's influences and the perfect life bible for girlbosses everywhere.Featuring a foreword by Courtney Love, and with unique insights and inspiration from the baddest bitches across the globe, Nasty Galaxy approaches style, philosophy and advice in the same way #GIRLBOSS approached business: by turning it on its head. ISBN: 9780241290507. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780241290507

Price: EUR 17.50 = appr. US$ 19.02 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 967250

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