Author: TAMIM ANSARY Title: Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes
Description: Public Affairs Books, 2009. Gekartonneerd met stofomslag. Pp: 390. This sweeping history illuminates how Muslims must have seen the history of the world - and what western world history leaves out. We in the West share a common narrative of world history - that runs from the Nile Valley and Mesopotamia, through Greece and Rome and the French Revolution, to the rise of the secular state and the triumph of democracy. But our story largely omits a whole civilization that until quite recently saw itself at the center of world history, and whose citizens shared an entirely different narrative for a thousand years. In Destiny Disrupted , Tamim Ansary tells the rich story of world history as the Islamic world saw it, form the time of Mohammad to the fall of the Ottoman Empire and beyond. He clarifies why our civilizations grew up oblivious to each other, what happened when they intersected, and how the Islamic world was affected by its slow recognition that Europe - a place it long perceived as primitive and disorganized - had somehow hijacked destiny. ISBN: 9781586486068. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
Keywords: 9781586486068
Price: EUR 20.00 = appr. US$ 21.74 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 958084
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