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AMIS, MARTIN - The Zone of Interest

Title: The Zone of Interest
Description: Random House UK. Paperback. Pp: 240. There was an old story about a king who asked his favourite wizard to create a magic mirror. This mirror didn't show you your reflection. Instead, it showed you your soul - it showed you who you really were. But the king couldn't look into the mirror without turning away, and nor could his courtiers. No one could.What happens when we discover who we really are? And how do we come to terms with it? Fearless and original, The Zone of Interest is a violently dark love story set against a backdrop of unadulterated evil, and a vivid journey into the depths and contradictions of the human soul. ISBN: 9780099593683. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780099593683

Price: EUR 7.50 = appr. US$ 8.15 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 534536

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