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 - African Perspectives- [South] Africa. City, society, space, literature and architecture

Title: African Perspectives- [South] Africa. City, society, space, literature and architecture
Description: nai010 uitgevers/publishers. Paperback. Pp: 320. Based on the African Perspectives Africains conference, held in Delft during 2007, this volume of the Delft School of Design Series focuses on particular urban questions related to the South African urban context. The book seeks to construct a contemporary critical dialogue of current spatial practises and contemporary design instruments in relation to social, political and governance structures through an architectural and urban lens. A number of discourses and dialogues are included within the general debate in order to confront the trajectories of a well-known historical legacy with that of a current South African urban reality. Contributors, who include academics, urban historians, architects, policy makers, all widely published authors, share their experience, deliver analytical insights and reflect on the possible paths forward. Topics within this volume are addressed under headings of 'Other Urbanisms', 'Tradition, Culture and Education', 'Urban Design, civic action and agency in South Africa' and 'Future perspectives'. ISBN: 9789064507977. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9789064507977

Price: EUR 18.50 = appr. US$ 20.11 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 501819

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