Author: Title: Companion to early middle english literature
Description: VU uitgeverij. Paperback. Pp: 143. The essays in this collection are introductions to a number of widely-read early Middle English texts, aimed at students who are coming to these texts with little experience of reading Middle English other than Chaucer. The purpose in each case is to stimulate a critical engagement by providing a literary approach and some historical context. The book can be used alongside many anthologies of Middle English literature. References to texts are always to standard editions wherever possible.There are essays on the Middle English lyrics, St. Kenelm and the legends of the English saints in the South England Legendary, Havelok the Dane, Floris and Blauncheflour, Dame Stirith and De Clerico et Puella, The Fox and the Wolf, The Land of Cockaygne, The Owl and the Nightingale, Sir Orfeo, and the Ancrene Wisse. ISBN: 9789053833490. Cond./Kwaliteit: Redelijk.
Keywords: 9789053833490
Price: EUR 10.00 = appr. US$ 10.87 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 487284
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