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ASTRID BAXTER, ANDY BAXTER - Better at business English. Communications

Title: Better at business English. Communications
Description: Boom. Paperback. Pp: 128. Better at business English is designed to help you express yourself effectively in today's business environment, in both spoken and written English. Step by step, you will learn the right words and sentences to usenin a wide variety of business situations. All the most important topics are covered, such as emails and letters, applying for a job, making and receiving telephone calls, making presentations, chairing and taking part in meetings, as well as conducting negotiations and writing reports. Correct business English The Beter in. / Better at. series is unique in its highly accessible approach, with a minimum of theory and a maximum of directly usable guidelines and examples. All examples are clearly and systematically presented in easy-tonavigate tables. This book has been written directly in English by a nativenspeaker and a near-native speaker, both of whom have extensive experience innhigher education and the business world. This means you can be sure that you are learning 'the real thing'. Practice Each chapter ends with a clear,npoint-for-point summary and exercises. More exercises can be found on portal. A really practical tool Better at business English is written for students in the Netherlands in professional higher education (HBO).nThanks to its clear, compact layout, it is ideally suited for both classroom use and independent study. The combination of book and online portal make this product a really practical tool, based on the needs and wishes of teachers and students. Andy and Astrid Baxter are the owners of Baxter Communications,nbased in Hilversum. The company provides language and consultancy services to many of the Netherlands' major multinationals, most of whom have adopted English as their corporate language. Andy and Astrid also wrote the widelynpraised Handboek Zakelijk Engels, which has been used for many years in Dutch higher education and business. ISBN: 9789039528044. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9789039528044

Price: EUR 15.00 = appr. US$ 16.30 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 431412

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