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[JEAN BAPTISTE] [CHRISTYN] - Jurisprudentia Herioca sive Jurem Belgarum. Circa nobilitatem et insignia Demonstrato in Commentario ad Edictum Serenissimorum Belgii Principum Alberti et Isabellae

Title: Jurisprudentia Herioca sive Jurem Belgarum. Circa nobilitatem et insignia Demonstrato in Commentario ad Edictum Serenissimorum Belgii Principum Alberti et Isabellae
Description: Balthazaris Vivien, 1668. Ed./Druk: 1e druk. Leder band. 4to. Illustrated with 24 heraldic plates (19 of which folding of double), 124 heraldic and decorative text illustrations and decorated 56 engraved head- and tailpieces.2 parts in one volume, text in Latin and French. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.


Price: EUR 995.00 = appr. US$ 1081.41 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 42576

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