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 - Inner Magic. A Guide to Witchcraft

Title: Inner Magic. A Guide to Witchcraft
Description: Octopus, 2019. Paperback. Pp: 160. It's witchcraft! Inner Magic is an information-packed approach to contemporary witchcraft and various related practices of magic. The author places these arts in a historical and cultural context, as she explains principles of witchcraft, discusses the witch in history, and describes the rise of the modern witch and the media's fascination with witches. Merely curious readers who open this volume will probably be surprised when they discover exactly what a witch is. Witchcraft's more serious students will learn how to become a witch, the meaning of ritual, how to do spells, and how every student of witchcraft can find his and her own magic. The author identifies the source of magical power that exists throughout the world and around every human being. She shows how to use magic beneficially, how to enhance one's spiritual self, and how to weave the benefits of magic into everyday life. ISBN: 9780753733943. Cond./Kwaliteit: Ramsj.

Keywords: 9780753733943

Price: EUR 8.95 = appr. US$ 9.73 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2548434

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