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ANDREW R. W. JACKSON, JULIE M. JACKSON - Environmental Science

Title: Environmental Science
Description: Longman, 1996. Paperback. Pp: 370. Provides a clear and authoritative introduction to environmental science equiping the reader with the fundamental concepts and vocabulary necessary to explore complex environmental phenomena and issues. There are two main parts. The first, "The Natural Environment" reviews the major attributes of the environment in the absence of human activity. The second part of the book, "Human impact on the Natural Environment" deals with the environmental consequences of both natural resource exploitation and the production of pollutants are explored in depth. The second part closes with a discussion of the principles and practice of waste management. ISBN: 9780582227095. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780582227095

Price: EUR 12.50 = appr. US$ 13.59 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2515986

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