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SCOT BARMÉ - Luang Wichit Wathakan and the Creation of a Thai Identity

Title: Luang Wichit Wathakan and the Creation of a Thai Identity
Description: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1993. Paperback. Pp: 201.  This work presents the first English-language account of the role of the important thinker, writer and politician, Luang Wichit Wathakan, in the development of state nationalism during the period of political upheaval and conflict immediately following the overthrow of the absolute monarchy in 1932. . ISBN: 9789813016583. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9789813016583

Price: EUR 15.00 = appr. US$ 16.30 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2463769

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