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ARTHUR RIMBAUD, HENRI [ED.] MATARASSO, PIERRE PETITFILS - Album Rimbaud. Iconographie réunie et commentée par Henri Matarasso et Pierre Petitfils

Title: Album Rimbaud. Iconographie réunie et commentée par Henri Matarasso et Pierre Petitfils
Description: Gallimard, 1967. Ed./Druk: 1e druk. Leder band. Pp: 348. [First Edition]. Iconographic album of the French poète maudit, depicting his life with black-and-white photo's of Rimbaud's family, the houses and streets where he lived, and plates of his (and Verlaine's) handwritings, drawings, titlepages and other doc. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.


Price: EUR 75.00 = appr. US$ 81.51 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 24425

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