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Title: A B C Et Cetera
Description: D.R. Godine, 1987. Gekartonneerd met stofomslag. Pp: 274. This is a book about the Roman alphabet and the people who used it as a medium for the transmission of their civilization. Primarily, this means the Romans and their Italic subjects, speakers of Latin who disseminated the language, and the culture of which it was an expression, throughout Europe and the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. As speakers, readers, and writers of English, we are greatly indebted to the long line of purveyors of Latin in its various forms. When words are borrowed, concepts come with them. So, if we have borrowed a wide variety of Latin words, it follows that we have also borrowed a great deal of the cultural stuff that they encase. This book takes a look at what the authors consider to be some of the more intriguing cultural/linguistic goodies that have crept willy-nilly into the English language over the ages from the Latin cornucopia. - Preamble. ISBN: 9781567921007. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9781567921007

Price: EUR 17.50 = appr. US$ 19.02 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2424153

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