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Title: Daddy Hunt
Description: BRUNO GMUNDER VERLAG, 2012. Hardcover. Pp: 176. My Heart Belongs to Daddy! And it takes just one look at the pictures of Blade T Bannon to know why: These bulky fellows and their rough sex appeal are simply irresistible. You will hardly nd another book that bursts with testosterone as much as "Daddy Hunt" does. And it's hard to think of something more enticing than going into the lion's den where daddy's gonna teach you a lesson you won't forget. "Daddy Hunt" will enthrall any man who is willing to subject himself to lust and pleasure. ISBN: 9783867874243. Cond./Kwaliteit: Als nieuw.

Keywords: 9783867874243

Price: EUR 65.00 = appr. US$ 70.65 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2350754

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