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 - Cacas: The Encyclopaedia of Poo. Photographs by Oliviero Toscani

Title: Cacas: The Encyclopaedia of Poo. Photographs by Oliviero Toscani
Description: Colors/Evergreen/Tashen, 1998. Gekartonneerd met stofomslag. Pp: 115. Text in English, German and French.nFrom the moment we're born to the moment we die, we produce it. It's as natural as breathing. But many of us can't bear to look at it, touch it or smell it. We dispose of it behind closed doors, flush it down clean white toilets, don't mention it in polite company. It's one of ""civilized"" society's last taboos. Enough! It's the world's most underrated resource. We can cook with it, build with it, admire it, wear it. It's unique (no two examples are alike). It's as old as creation. It will never run out. It's time to celebrate shit.Cacas, the first ever encyclopedia of shit, is a project of Colors. The magazine about the rest of the world, Colors has been on sale bimonthly since 1992 in 80 countries worldwide, in 8 bilingual editions: English paired with Italian, Japanese, Croatian, German, Spanish, Greek, Russian and French. As is the case with every issue of Colors, this book explores a single theme. And, as is the case with the magazine, the book Cacas exists thanks to United Colors of Benetton. ISBN: 9783822858776. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9783822858776

Price: EUR 20.00 = appr. US$ 21.74 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2280830

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