Author: JOHN D. BARROW Title: The Constants of Nature
Description: Jonathan Cape, 2002. Gekartonneerd met stofomslag. Pp: 352. "The constants of Nature are the fundamental laws of physics that apply throughout the universe: gravity, velocity of light, electromagnetism and quentum mechanics. They encode the deepest secrets of the Universe, and express at once our greatest knowledge and our greatest ignorance about the cosmos. Their existence has taught us the profound truth that Nature abounds with unseen regularities. Yet, while we have become skilled at measuring the values of these constants, our frustrating inablilty to explain or predict their values shows how much we have still to learn about innter workings of the Universe. hat is the ultimate status of these constants of Nature? Do we know why they are as they are? Are they truly constant? Are they everywhere the same? Are they all linked? Could life have evolved and persisted if they were even slightly different? And are there other Universes where they are different? These are some of the issues that this book will grapple with. It will look back to the discoveries of the first constants of Nature and the impact they had on scientists like Einstein. New theories of the Universe leads us to expect that other dimensions of space exist. ISBN: 9780224061353. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
Keywords: 9780224061353
Price: EUR 17.50 = appr. US$ 19.02 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2177934
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