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Title: Hume
Description: Oxford University Press, 1980. Paperback. Pp: 102. Hume is one of the greatest of all British philosophers, and even in his own lifetime was celebrated as one of the pivotal figures of the Enlightenment. Hume's naturalist approach to a wide variety of philosophical topics resulted in highly original theories about perception, self-identity, causation, morality, politics, and religion, all of which are discussed in this stimulating introduction by A.J. Ayer, Ayer also gives an account of Hume's fascinating life and character, and includes generous quotations from Hume's lucid and often witty writings. ISBN: 9780192875280. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780192875280

Price: EUR 6.50 = appr. US$ 7.06 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2105108

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