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 - Dress Up!. New Fashion Boutique Design

Title: Dress Up!. New Fashion Boutique Design
Description: Page On. Hardcover. Pp: 240. Fashion stores nowadays are no longer simply places that one enters with the mere intention of purchasing products, but have also become venues for events, stages for exciting performances, and sometimes even new landmarks. A range of these grand stages have been captured in 'Dress Up!', which offers ideas, solutions and different approaches to product presentation from all over the world, gathered on 240 colorful and inspiring pages. Enjoy your journey through this fascinating world and get inspired! And, of course, dress up!. ISBN: 9789814394826. Cond./Kwaliteit: Ramsj.

Keywords: 9789814394826

Price: EUR 19.95 = appr. US$ 21.68 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2038783

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