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ANTOINE DE MOOR, CÄCILIA FLUCK, PETRA LINSCHEID - Drawing the threads together. Textiles and footwear of the 1st millennium AD from Egypt

Title: Drawing the threads together. Textiles and footwear of the 1st millennium AD from Egypt
Description: Lannoo. Hardback. ?Richly illustrated, this book contains the papers read at the conference Textiles of the Nile Valley. The first part is devoted to textiles from excavations, the second part of the book covers research on textiles in public collections, the third part carries articles concerning textile techniques and radiocarbon dating, the following part is dedicated to iconographical studies and the last parts deal with special items of costume and footwear. ISBN: 9789401410830. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9789401410830

Price: EUR 60.00 = appr. US$ 65.21 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1995439

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