Author: MEG BARNHOUSE Title: Broken Buddha
Description: Outlaw Hill, 2011. Paperback. Pp: 190. "Broken Buddha" is the sixth book of stories by Meg Barnhouse. Meg Barnhouse is a Unitarian Universalist minister and singer-songwriter who writes about life with edgy humor and infectious hopefulness. Pick up this book and open it anywhere. Odds are good you'll find a thought you've always felt you might be the only one thinking. She is to-the-bone honest and at the same time affectionate towards our human quirks and confusions. People have their own way of reading Barnhouse's stories. Some devour the book and then give copies to their friends. Some people read these stories to each other in the car, Others read one story a night to end the day feeling right. What might you do?. ISBN: 9780983512905. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
Keywords: 9780983512905
Price: EUR 9.50 = appr. US$ 10.33 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1956430
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