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ANDREA GEYER, KATYA SANDER, JOHANNA BURTON, FORMWALT ZACHARY - Meaning is what Hides the Instability of One's Position

Title: Meaning is what Hides the Instability of One's Position
Description: Sternberg Press, 2010. Paperback. Pp: 256. You'll never see an airport the same way again: 22 photographic sequences glimpsing fragments of movements through spaces of transit form the most amazing flip-book ever. Andrea Geyer and Katya Sander's artist's book is a riveting photographic exprience that takes us through the so-called "transit areas" of international airports, where you're officially between states and nations, although still within them. The artists investigate these spaces in a flow of images, meanings and politics, overlaid and interwoven with 130 terms and 57 sentences collected in various airports. In a world where the notion of borders has become both more rigid and more fluid than ever before, the artists spatialize the gap through a vocabulary of hallways, doors, lines and identifications that lead to passages granted or denied. ISBN: 9781933128948. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9781933128948

Price: EUR 35.00 = appr. US$ 38.04 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1949122

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