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Title: We are the People
Description: National Portrait Gallery Publications, 2004. Paperback. Pp: 335. When, in 1902, the British Post Office first permitted writing on the reverse of postcards, rather than across the image, it heralded the beginning of the use of the picture postcard as a medium for commercial photography. Studios opened across the nation and, for the first time in history, it became possible for people from all walks of life to preserve their image for posterity, something that previously had only been available to the elite in the form of the painted portrait. Sitters could not only choose their pose, but also select from a variety of costumes, backdrops and props to create a fantasy setting and transform themselves into the figure of their imaginations. Postcard photographers also worked outside the studio, recording and celebrating friendships, families, colleagues, special occasions and events. collection of picture postcards from the first half of the 20th century. Categorised by theme, these images provide not only a fascinating glimpse into history but also an invaluable visual record of British society as a whole. People presents a fresh and original approach to portraiture. It is indispensable to the social historian, those with an interest in photography and the general reader alike - and may just reveal some long-forgotten faces from the past. ISBN: 9781855145177. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9781855145177

Price: EUR 27.00 = appr. US$ 29.34 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1923348

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