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Title: Eloge de l'ivresse
Description: Michel, an VI [=1798]. Half leather. Frontispiece by Le Roy after Binet. New edition prepared by polygraph P.A. Miger (1771-1837) and enlarged. Anecdotical work on the drunkenness of popes, bishops, saints, poets, philosophers, and scientist, on countries of drunkards, such as Germany. - The title is somewhat of a misnomer, as the text gives the history of drinking in various countries with copious references rather than an eulogy of drinking.` (Bitting). Contains also rules for getting drunk, as - Do it in good company` or - Drink good wine`. Added after p. 250 a 2 page bookseller`s catalogue: - notice De divers Ouvrages qui se trouvent chez le meme Libraire`. Cf. Vicaire. Bibl. Gastr. 326. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.


Price: EUR 350.00 = appr. US$ 380.40 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1836854

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