Author: Title: Doctor Grordbort's Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory
Description: Dark Horse, 2008. Hardcover. Pp: 32. By jingo, by crikey, and by all that's good in this world, he's done it! Dr. Grordbort has released his directory of scientific splendor. A catalogue of wondrous contraptions and wave weapons of unprecedented power, this book makes available a myriad of destructive and beneficial devices to any intergalactic explorer: Rayguns, Metal Men, Ironclads, and Rocketships are all presented. Also included is a sequential pictographic essay (also known as a comic') on the exploits of world-famous naturalist and adventurer Lord Cockswain.'. ISBN: 9781593078768. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
Keywords: 9781593078768
Price: EUR 12.50 = appr. US$ 13.59 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1790703
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