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Title: The Left Bank Look
Description: Watson-Guptill Publications, 2008. Paperback. Pp: 63. Simple techniques for turning basics from frumpy to fabulous! French girls always look so effortlessly chic.C`est vrai!You never see them trotting around in ratty T-shirts and gym shorts.C`est impossible!No, they always look great. How do they do it? How?The Left Bank Lookis here to show you exactly how they do it, and how you can do it, too. The idea is simple: Take plain, mass-produced basics from your closet"shoes, clothes, linens"and use easy DIY techniques and inexpensive materials to transform them into chic treasures inspired by design from the streets of Paris.C`est si bon!Dyeing, image transfers, painting, easy sewing"these techniques are so simple, even someone from North America can do it. Before you know it, your things will look like they came from a boutique on the Rive Gauche, and strangers on the street will be hitting you up for a Gauloise. ť"˘C`est la vie!Make ordinary stuff look like it came from the Rive Gauche ť"˘C`est what?No previous experience with crafting required ť"˘C`est la guerre!Your friends will be fighting to learn your secrets. ISBN: 9780823099061. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780823099061

Price: EUR 8.00 = appr. US$ 8.69 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1745258

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