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Title: Bats
Description: Oxford University Press, 1997. Paperback. Pp: 262. Bats are arguably the most diverse of all animals, comprising as much as one quarter of mammals. This book covers all the bats and their natural history, with a unique emphasis on how their lives exemplify processes and principles of broad biological relevance. Topics range from their most distinctive features (echolocation, flight) and individual and group behavior, to their modes of reproduction and interaction with other organisms and the environment. No other book covers all this ground with a blend of up-to-date scientific information and fine line illustrations. Professional and amateur naturalists will find this an indispensable reference. ISBN: 9780198503224. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780198503224

Price: EUR 25.00 = appr. US$ 27.17 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1715564

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