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 - Times Mini Atlas of the World

Title: Times Mini Atlas of the World
Description: Harper Collins UK. Hardback. Pp: 256. A pocket-sized Times Atlas of the World packed with the essentials, fully revised and improved to take account of all recent changes from around the world. The whole world is covered with the accuracy and authority for which Times atlases are renowned.MAIN FEATURES* 117 pages of authoritative up-to-date mapping of the whole world.* Geographical reference section with flags, statistics and facts for the world's states and territories.* Statistics and world maps on major geographical themes, including population, cities, climate and the environment.* Over 20,000 index entries. ISBN: 9780008262501. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780008262501

Price: EUR 6.00 = appr. US$ 6.52 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1701976

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