Author: ALEXANDRA (EMPRESS, CONSORT OF NICHOLAS II, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA), ANDREI MAYLUNAS, S. V. MIRONENKO Title: A lifelong passion. Nicholas and Alexandra : their own story
Description: Doubleday, 1997. Gekartonneerd met stofomslag. Pp: 667. These letters, most of which are published here for the first time, offer an intimate look at some of the most momentous events of the early 1900s, including Russia's participation in World War I and the fall of the Romanov dynasty in the Bolshevik revolut. ISBN: 9780385486736. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
Keywords: 9780385486736
Price: EUR 16.00 = appr. US$ 17.39 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1665096
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