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 - Jasper Johns

Title: Jasper Johns
Description: Hardcover. Centering on The Dutch Wives, a double-panel encaustic-and-newsprint painting in the artist`s signature "crosshatch" motif, this catalogue explores the impact of print on the work of Jasper Johns.nThe two panels are imperfect duplicates of each other, thus evoking issues of replication that are native to reproductive media. The book examines "print" and "the press" in terms not only of printmaking and Johns`s celebrated experiments in that medium, but also in informational terms, tracing Johns`s frequent use of newsprint and its material, temporal, political, and formal implications.nThe publication also features prints and drawings by Johns that help demonstrate the aspects of printmaking that inform his entire oeuvre: repetition, reversal, indexicality, layering, sequencing, and topology. ISBN: 9783775732918. Cond./Kwaliteit: Ramsj.

Keywords: 9783775732918

Price: EUR 15.00 = appr. US$ 16.30 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1562851

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