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SCOTT ADAMS - Random Acts of Management

Title: Random Acts of Management
Description: Boxtree, 2000. Pp: 128. In Random Acts of Management, cartoonist Scott Adams offers sardonic glimpses once again into the lunatic office life of Dilbert , Dogbert, Wally, and others, as they work in an all-too-believably ludicrous setting filled with imcompetent management, incomprehensive project acronyms, and minuscle raises. Syndicated since 1989, Dilbert appears in more than 1,900 newspapers in sixty-five countries. Dilbert also appears in his own weekly television show, and on calenders, greeting cards, and Diberitos. Cartoonist Scott Adams spent plenty of time in his own cubicle world, working in a bank and for a telephone company before moving full-time to his home office in 1995. In 1997, he received the Reuben Award, cartooning's highest honour. Adams lives in California. ISBN: 9780752271743. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780752271743

Price: EUR 7.00 = appr. US$ 7.61 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1530566